Make your Wishlist Universal

Customers only have to register once, not at every store.
You no longer need to be excluded for being niche.

Make it easy for customer to add to a wishlist

hand drawing increased revenue
In this increasingly competitive world, you need every advantage you can get and you need to make life as easy for your customers to buy your products as possible. is a universal wish list that can do just that for you.  It can:

1. Improve your customer experience
2. Broaden your customer base
3. Increase your sales
4. Improve cost effectiveness of your marketing
5. Help with stock management

What is a Universal Wish Lists and how can it help you?

Why have a universal wish list?

wishalogue logo with two different icons with Add to wish list test

With Wishalogue we have considered how both customers and stores could benefit from having a wish list function.  This is why we have chosen to develop a universal wish list application, rather than just a store based wish list – the advantages just speak for themselves.

For your customers, using Wishalogue makes having a wish list much easier:

  1. They only have to register once with  Wishalogue, which can be done at any store using the app or at  Wishalogue, and that is it.
  2. Whenever your customers visit a store that uses pluginwishlist app, they can just add to their wish lists without having to fill in more forms.
  3. Your customers can have as many wish lists as they like.
  4. Your customers only have to share the details of one wish list, not wish lists for all the stores at which they have registered. 
  5. Only having to share one wish list also helps family and friends, as they do not have to go into every store to compare prices of gifts, as they can see everything on a single wish list.
  6. Bottom line, making it this easy for your customers means that that are more likely to use the wish list function.
  1. If your customers do not have to go through the hassle of registering at every site, they are far a more likely to use the wish list, so you can capture more information.
  2. More customer information can lead to more cost-effective marketing strategies to generate more sales.
  3. Being able to differentiate between cart abandonment and wish lists, helps to understand true demand, which can also help with stock management but also help with bulk orders to support promotions.
  4. Having friends and family see your store, having been directed to it by a wish list, means a broader customer base.
  5. Even with the free version, you can retain customers, broaden your customer base and increase sales.  For the price of a coffee per month, you can better manage your stock and have more focused and more cost-effective marketing campaigns.  It doesn’t take a genius to see subscribing to to have access to Wishalogue just makes sense.
  1. We started with the development of an independent universal wish list generator, so we gained a good understanding of what customers want.
  2. We then looked to see how our universal wish list generator, Wishalogue, could benefit stores and developed
  3. We also considered how needed to be implemented, so we have designed it to be as simple as possible.  All you have to do is link our shortcode to a button.  That is it.
  4. In this way, developers can use any format they want for the button and have any icon you want.  None of the fiddling around you have to do with some of the other plugins we all use.
  5. When it comes to the icon, we recommend you use our icon, if not on your ‘Add to Wish List’ button, somewhere on the page, so your customer know you have joined this exclusive club.
  6. We think we designed a solution that meets everyone’s needs with Wishalogue and, but we are as keen to adapt and grow and you are, so will be open to feedback and suggestions.
  7. We are also developing to work on multiple ecommerce platforms, to fully embrace the meaning of universal.

Why have a universal wish list?

What are the different subscriptions?

Free Version

The Free Version provides you with the shortcode to connect customers to Wishalogue, via an ‘Add to Wish List’ button, which you can place anywhere in you store.  This will allow your customers to add your items to their universal wish lists and share those wish lists with family and friends.

Pro Version

The Pro Subscription costs just $2.49 a month and provides stores with the ability to see graphs on what items from their store have been added to wish lists and in what quantity, over set periods of time.  This means you can be far more precise and targeted with your marketing campaigns.

What is a Wish List

  • A wish list is a feature that enables customers to create personalized collections of products they want to buy, or have bought for them, signifying interest without immediate intent to purchase.
  • Offering wish lists is an effective way to reduce shopping cart abandonment and fulfill sales from customers who showed intent but did not end up purchasing.
  • Wish lists are mutually beneficial: they give customers an easy way to remind themselves of a product and help merchants measure product interest beyond a clear-cut sale.
  • Wish lists can be shared by customers, to let others know what they would like.  This not only increases sales, since an item may be purchased as a gifts for your customer, it expands a store’s client base, since new customers are brought to the store.
  • When a store runs out of stock of a desired product, wish lists allow potential customer to track the item’s availability. This also informs how much inventory might be required and what items could be targeted for discounts, since products popular on wish lists are more likely to sell. 
  • In short, wish lists can be used to capture customer information, product demand and increase sales.
a globe with lights depicting a niversal wish list

What is a Universal Wish List

  • A universal wish list is a wish list that can be used across multiple stores, making it much simpler (and therefore more likely) for customers to register and share wish lists.
  • Wish lists that are limited to a single store, mean customers must register at each store and share each store’s wish list with friends and family.
  • The hassle factor means that many customers will not bother and many loved ones will only look at one or two stores, resulting in many customers only using wish lists in multi-departmental sites, like Amazon.
  • A universal wish list, like, is a wish list that can be used across multiple stores.
  • This makes it much simple for customers to register and share wish lists, since they only need to register once and share one wish list with friends and family, who then only have to view one wish list.
  • With a universal wish list, like, niche stores are able to have items included in, for example, a wedding wish lists, which had previously been the domain of multi-departmental stores.

What are the benefits of a wish list

Retain more leads with a universal wish list
  • Often, Shoppers Are Just Browsing And Are Not Ready To Place An Order, But They May Want To Remember The Product And/Or Store For The Future, Which Is Frequently The Cause Of Cart Abandonment.  Wish Lists Are A Middle Ground Between Purchasing And Forgetting.
  • Wish Lists Can Encourage Users To Sign Up For An Account, So You Can Capture Their Detail.  You Can Then Potentially Engaged In Drip Marketing Campaigns If They Opt-In For Email Notifications.  With Wishalogue, New Customers Do Not Have The Inconvenience Of Registering At Each Store, Which Is Often A Blocker.  If A Customer Adds One Of Your Items To Their Store, You Gain Access To Their Details, Provided They Have Opted In. 
manage out of stock demand with a universal wish list
  • When you run out of a particular item, wish lists can be used to identify interested customers and keep them informed of the item’s status.
  • Wish lists can also inform how much inventory to you need to establish. Once the items is available, customers who saved it to their wish lists can be notified.
increase sales with a universal wish list
  • Knowing what customers have in their wish lists can also be used to determine what items to include in sales. This is a great way to re-engage with customers who exhibited both interest and hesitation to purchase.
  • Of course, your customers have to have registered, which makes Wishalogue so simple; in most cases they would already have a Wishalogue account, so adding items from your store means they don’t have to worry about registering again.
  • Shopping online for friends and family is simpler with wish list functions. Once a wish list is complete, the creator can share it with friends and family ahead of any special occasion, like birthdays or a wedding.
  • The problem with a store-based wish list, however, is that friends and family have to know which stores to visit and then visit each store to find the right gifts.  With Wishalogue , friends and family can review a single wish list to select the gift.  This means that your customers do not have to revert to an Amazon wish list, for example, since a universal wish list like Wishalogue can have items from any store.
  • Wishalogue also allows its users to have as many wish lists as they  like, so they can have one for gifts, one for ‘I thinking about buying’, etc.
  • The other bonus with being able to share wish lists, is that you gain access to potential new customers, since friends and family may not have already visited your store.

What are the benefits?

hand drawing increased revenue

Simple put, wish lists can be used to drive sales:

1. Retain leads

  • Often, shoppers are just browsing and are not ready to place an order, but they may want to remember the product and/or store for the future, which is frequently the cause of cart abandonment.  Wish lists are a middle ground between purchasing and forgetting.
  • Wish lists can encourage users to sign up for an account, so you can capture their detail.  You can then potentially engaged in drip marketing campaigns if they opt-in for email notifications.  With Wishalogue, new customers do not have the inconvenience of registering at each store, which is often a blocker.  If a customer adds one of your items to their store, you gain access to their details, provided they have opted in. 

2. Out of stock items

  • When you run out of a particular item, wish lists can be used to keep them informed of the item’s status.
  • Wish lists can also inform how much inventory to you need to establish. Once the items is available, customers who saved it to their wish lists can be notified.

3. Sales

  • Knowing what customers have in their wish lists can also be used to determine what items to include in sales. This is a great way to re-engage with customers who exhibited both interest and hesitation to purchase.

4. Gifting

  • Shopping online for friends and family is simpler with wish list functions. Once a wish list is complete, the creator can share it with friends and family ahead of any special occasion, like birthdays or a wedding. The problem with a store-based wish list, however, is that friends and family have to know which stores to visit and then visit each store to find the right gifts.  With Wishalogue, friends and family can review a single wish list (although Wishalogue allows multiple wish lists to be created) to select the gift.  This means that your customers do not have to revert to an Amazon wish list, for example, sine a universal wish list like Wishalogue can have items from any store.
  • The other bonus with being able to share wish lists, is that you gain access to potential new customers, since friends and family may not have already visited your store.

At just $2.49 per month, having all these benefits is simple ‘a no brainer’.   

What is a universal wish list?

a globe with lights depicting a niversal wish list
  • A universal wish list is a wish list that can be used across multiple stores, making it much simple for customers to register and share wish lists.
  • Wish lists that are limited to a single store, mean customers must register at each store and share each store’s wish list with friends and family. 
  • The hassle factor means that many customers will not bother and many loved ones will only look at one or two stores, resulting in customers using wish lists in multi-departmental sites, like Amazon.
  • A universal wish list, like, is a wish list that can be used across multiple stores. 
  • This makes it much simple for customers to register and share wish lists, since they only need to register once and share one wish list with friends and family, who then only have to view one wish list.
  • With a universal wish list, like, niche stores are able to have items included in, for example, a wedding wish lists, which had previously been the domain of multi-departmental stores. 

What is a wish list?

items spinning around a globe depicting a wish list - universal wish list generator plugin
  • A wish list is a feature that enables customers to create personalized collections of products they want to buy, or have bought for them, signifying interest without immediate intent to purchase.
  • Offering wish lists is an effective way to reduce shopping cart abandonment and fulfill sales from customers who showed intent but did not end up purchasing.
  • Wish lists are mutually beneficial: they give customers an easy way to remind themselves of a product and help merchants measure product interest beyond a clear-cut sale.
  • Wish lists can be shared by customers, to let others know what they would like.  This not only increases sales, since an item may be purchased as a gifts for your customer, it expands a store’s client base, since new customers are brought to the store.
  • When a store runs out of stock of a desired product, wish lists allow potential customer to track the item’s availability. This also informs how much inventory might be required and what items could be targeted for discounts, since products popular on wish lists are more likely to sell. 
  • In short, wish lists can be used to capture customer information, product demand and increase sales.

Imagine this in your store, when customers hesitate.

Not sure? Add it to your wish list and come back later.

More visits, more sales.
Click on it out now and
see what you customers would experience.