
You will see from the ‘About Us’ section that we are all about making life as easy as possible, so we have carried that theme through to our subscriptions. Firstly, we only have 2, Basic and Pro.  From your customers’ perspective, they will get the same experience, whichever options you decide; the different subscription affects the level of information available to Stores.  Secondly, the price.  So that your customers can have easy access to a Universal Wish List Generator, we have made the basic option FREE.  With the Pro Version, we have kept the monthly cost to about the price of a coffee, so once you subscribe, you really don’t have worry too much about it.  To make it easy, we will also give you 30 days free use of the Pro version, regardless of which subscription you chose.   As we say, we are just trying to make life as easy as possible.    

Basic Subscription


With the basic subscription, you get unlimited use of the short codes for “Add to wish list”, which links to your customers’ account.  

The “Add a wish” short code, which comes with the favicon/logo, can be placed anywhere on your page.  

Although we think our Favicon is great and easily lets your customers know you use for your wish lists, you can change the icon to any image you would like.

Pro Subscription

$2.49 a month

You get everything outlined in the Basic Subscription plus



What your customers' get from

Your customers will be able to:

  • Register with directly from your store, if they do not already have a account.
  • Create and name as many wish lists as they would like
  • Copy, rename and delete wish lists, using the site
  • Add items to one of more of their wish lists, either directly from online stores, manually on the site or with the use of a browser plugin.
  • If a new customer to your site wants to add your items to their wish list, there is no need to register; they can just add the items to a wish list.
  • Redirect to their wish lists directly from stores
  • Manage privacy settings for their wish lists to keep them private or make them public.
  • Share their wish lists, either directly, using email, or using social media (Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter)
  • Manage their personal data privacy settings, so they can opt in or out of receiving promotional material 

What stores get from subscription to

Pluginwishlist Dasboard Image universal wish list plugin wishalogue

Imagine this in your store, when customers hesitate.

Not sure? Add it to your wish list and come back later.

More visits, more sales.
Click on it out now and
see what you customers would experience.